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Introducing Ascential Technologies, Test & Measurement Systems Division

We have rebranded our “General Industries” division to Ascential Technologies, Test & Measurement Systems. This change cohesively aligns our industry-leading industrial brands into a more unified and powerful partner for our customers.

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In addition to our local offices in the Netherlands and the United States, LISMAR has local agents in most regions around the world. Are you interested in becoming a local representative of LISMAR?


At LISMAR, we take service seriously. That’s why we’ve established a global network of local support representatives in almost every major market; if we don’t have an agent near you, we will work hard to place one in (or near) your location. For LISMAR, the local support representative is an integral part of how we do business. LISMAR’s agents will meet with you to identify and discuss your needs, create quotes, and navigate the purchasing process. At LISMAR, we’ve found that local support representatives are a great way to ensure local and/or regional needs that are unique to your operations are met.

Is your region not on our list? Do you need one? Are you interested in becoming one?

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